Hogwarts Legacy Collector's Edition - PlayStation 5 (PS5)

Hogwarts Legacy Collector's Edition - PlayStation 5 (PS5)

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Hogwarts Legacy Collector's Edition for PlayStation 5

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thomyo · 4 months ago
after all this time I finally got one :)
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jordan19942017 · 6 months ago
Any idea when these r back ? Or gone for good ?
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gypsydanger1 · a year ago
I've got mine yesterday didn't take long tbh this apps really good
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tinecatindig01 · 2 years ago
So happy im able to buy it today! Ready for my partner's bday!
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derri95 · 2 years ago
@arthpsdh yeah that's how I got mine yesterday. Worked eventually.
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arthpsdh · 2 years ago
@derri95 Just keep trying, press the refresh button at the top when it says that message, or press Keep Shopping and try again, even if its 5 minutes later. Thats how i got it
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derri95 · 2 years ago
Wow just kept trying and it eventually got added to my basket and I managed to checkout with it.
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derri95 · 2 years ago
Anyone got any advice? Keeps saying I'm trying to add to many items to the same basket.
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mattietu · 2 years ago
Any advice on how to get the website to stop blocking you from purchasing? Been trying to buy for about a week and now I'm getting really desperate
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bigles91 · 2 years ago
Finally managed to get one
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lainey699903 · 2 years ago
My son managed to get it today, it wouldnt add it to the basket so he refreshed it and it went in. Ive now got one very happy young man
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patricia21226 · 2 years ago
I used the link from HotStock. then I hit preorder and it added to the cart and paid.
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chrispmk · 2 years ago
@patricia21226 What method did you use to get it? Game's website is tricky for sure
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patricia21226 · 2 years ago
I was able to buy a pre-order
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jillm42 · 2 years ago
Same here. Just to add in case it helps anyone, I think Game block you with that message if you and everyone else try to buy it too fast at the same time. I got it doing what kanoba said below more casually, like once every 60 seconds
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kanoba · 2 years ago
Finally got it in my basket at Game and paid for it. You just have to keep trying when it says youve tried to add too many time error until it goes through!
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lainey699903 · 2 years ago
@rajnbow, it did come up with buy new but it just wouldnt let me add it to the basket. It kept coming up that Id added too many items but there was nothing in the basket Im going to keep on trying, its difficult because I work in a school and it normally comes up when Im half way through a lesson!
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rajnbow · 2 years ago
@lainey699903 I also had that, I would push 'continue shopping' and then 'buy new' and keep doing that, and I'm not sure if you had that, but the 'buy new button' would come up about 5 times and I would try all of them. I hope you manage to get one
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petersfield · 2 years ago
@lainey699903 when that happens press the reload button at the top then try again. Thats how I just bagged one!
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lainey699903 · 2 years ago
For some reason it keeps coming up, youve tried to add too many items when I try and put it in my basket. Had anyone else had this problem?
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rajnbow · 2 years ago
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mercilla9 · 2 years ago
secured. just got it preordered at Game's site and it's still in stock now
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